55 Plus In Ocean

What are the Options For a New Roof?

The primary function of a roof over your head is to keep you dry but what options do you have?. In other words, when it’s at the end of it’s life cycle, or even worse, past the end, what type of roof should you put on?

Metal Roof Options

Metal roofs are gaining in popularity. The typical metal roof with vertical seams has been joined by other looks. You can now get a metal roof that looks like wooden shingles, slate or clay tiles. Metal roofs are fire resistant and may even qualify you for a homeowners insurance discount. Most metal roofs come with a 40 – 50 year guarantee, and can last almost three times longer than asphalt shingles.

Concrete Tile Options

An even longer lasting roof is made from concrete tiles. Concrete tiles are resistant to wind, rain, hail, insects and snow. These roofs can often last longer than the rest of the structure. But you may need to retrofit the structure to handle the extra weight. This may make it more expensive than it’s worth.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most common types of roofing. They come in either flat brick-styles or in dimensional styles (commonly called Timberline). The flat shingles typically last 25 + years, the dimensional shingles +- 30 years. A second layer can be added to the roof, reducing the labor costs associated with removing the old roof. But this reduces the life expectancy of the roof by about 5 years.

Extend the Existing Roof Life

A condo complex near me recently had a company come in who sprayed a new layer of asphalt granules on the existing roof. This is supposed to add significant life to the existing roof. We’ll wait and see how this works, but the idea is sound.

Plastic Roof Options

Another newer style is a plastic roof. I’ve seen them in stores but I haven’t seen any installations yet.

Old School Technology

The last one I’ll talk about is a very old technology. This has been in use throughout Europe for centuries. It’s called a thatch roof, which is basically grass growing on top of the building.

Bottom Line

I look at it this way – if it keeps you dry……….

Rather tan install a new roof on your home, maybe you should just sell it. Call us – Bunny and Art Reiman – Realtors. We can help you with that.

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