55 Plus In Ocean

Maintain Your Home in the Winter

Are you taking the necessary maintenance steps for your home in the winter?

Winter Home Maintenance

The cold weather is upon us. And it’s time to do some winter maintenance on your home. If you have a relatively new home, you should not need to do much. But if you have an older home, you may need to do more.

Outdoor water spigots

Most people only need to forget to turn off the water supplying the outdoor hoses more than once. It’s enough of a mess and it costs a lot to repair. And in newer homes also homes where this has been retrofitted, you may have frost free spigots that you don’t need to shut down. And that is because the actual shutoff valve is inside the house. But did you remember to remove the hose? Do it now before it freezes and bursts a pipe.

Furnace Filters

When was the last time you changed the filters? If you are like most people, it was too long ago. A dirty filter causes the furnace to work harder, using more energy. It can also cause the furnace to wear out prematurely. And it may be a good idea to have someone inspect and service the furnace.

Clean Your Gutters

A clogged gutter can cause the water from melting to remain in the gutter. Then, when it freezes it expands. And over a period of expanding and contracting, the frozen water can actually lift the roof off the house.

Do you have a crawl space?

If yes, are there water supply lines in the crawl? These can freeze also. Make sure they are insulated. To be even more certain, install heat tape on the pipes. This is an insulation that gets connected to electric, and it keeps the pipes warm to prevent freezing.

Bottom Line

Just a few simple tasks and you’ll make it easier for your home to get through the winter. And by maintaining your home properly, it’ll be worth more when it’s time to sell. And when you’re ready to sell, call us. We can help.

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